Zone 1B – Zone Meeting Tuesday 15-Aug-23 hosted by Peterborough Lions Club

Wednesday 2nd August 2023 – 15:32

From: Lion Jenny Webb

Hi Everyone

Here are details of the ZONE meeting. If you are able to attend, please could you send your menu choice direct to Di Parkin.

John: please see format for Club reports



Wednesday 2nd August 2023 – 14:42

From: Lion Ian Constable – Zone Chair

Good afternoon all

I have received confirmation from Peterborough Lions Club that they are happy to host the Zone Meeting on Tuesday 15-Aug-23 at the:

The Grange Venue
146 Charlotte Way

Food on offer is:

£6 for Burger & Chips
£6 for a Bacon Bap & Chips
£6 for a Sausage Bap & Chips
£6 for a Double Egg Bap & Chips
£7 for a Cheeseburger & Chips

Drinks will be available from the pay bar.

Please pre-order your food / raise any dietary requirements with Di Parkin

Peterborough Club needs to share information with their caterers a week before.

As highlighted in my earlier e-mail, I will be asking for clubs to send me club reports in advance, and I will share them before the meeting, and I will only be asking club to highlight one or two items from their report and provide any updates.

So attached is the template I would like you to use and if you can send them back to me, I will send them out, along with an Agenda, the weekend before the meeting.

I still have not heard if there will definitely be a “Spectacle Collection” at the Cabinet Meeting. I will ask the question to seek clarification.

I look forward to catching up with you all soon.


Ian C
01354 656596
07365 625550 (Please can you start using this number as it is my personal mobile, rather than my work mobile of 07768 696434)






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