February 2019

March Lions Gala Returns

As in previous years March Lions will be organising the Stalls for the March Gala on Saturday 8th June in West End Park and we would like to invite you/your charity to book a Stall.

All of the money raised by the Lions over the weekend goes to local charities. However, this year, we have decided to reduce the amount we raise through the booking of Stalls in order to benefit those who take part. The fee for the Stall will therefore reduce to £10 for Charities and to £20 for individuals/businesses

For a booking form please contact Rev Jenny Webb.

Recognition for Local Foodbank Coordinator

March Lions President Trevor Stockbridge presented a Centennial Plaque to Barbara Taylor. The Centennial Plaque is the highest award made by Lions in recognition of work in the community.

Five years ago, following presentations to Churches Together in March by the Trussell Trust, Barbara took the lead role in setting up the March Foodbank. This involved negotiating liaising with the Trussell Trust, and negotiating premises for food storage and for the weekly Foodbank sessions. She set up all the necessary administrative procedures, recruited and arranged training for volunteers. She liaised with other agencies and advertised the service. She also worked with supermarkets to establish food collection points.

The Food Bank has now been running, very successfully, for over 5 years. Barbara continues to coordinate its work very effectively. It has proved to be an invaluable resource for people in March who are facing difficulties in their lives. Demand continues to increase with up to 20 food vouchers being presented each week.

Barbara has undertaken all this work whilst continuing to work professionally for 3 days per week.

Without her efforts it is unlikely that the Food bank would have got off the ground so quickly and successfully and become a crucial resource for March and surrounding areas.

January 2019

Recognition for Service to the Community to Local Young People and Organisers

Fifteen Young Leaders, Five Centennial Club Certificates of Appreciation and three Centennial Awards were presented by the Unitary Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, supported by The Mayor of March.

Young Leaders in Service Certificates
20/20 Productions
  • Kayleigh Ashkettle
  • Eden Arnold
  • Jessica Davies
  • Kylan Nightingale
  • Max Louth
  • Gordon Parsonage
  • Jamie Hamilton
  • Ryan Price
  • Samantha Field
  • Keira Birkett
  • Anya Levicki
Young people march
  • Leah Bass
  • Matthew Fletcher
  • Ethan Stalker
  • David Keteringham
Centennial Certificate
Robert Skoulding

Robert started to fund raise for Defibrillators for the town of March in May 2015 when he became Mayor. Since then he has continued fundraising and we now have 35 defibrillators installed in public places and available to the population of March 24 hours a day. He is continuing to fundraise to ensure the money is available to service the devices and also to replace the batteries and pads every time the defibrillator is used, and also to ensure batteries are replaced when necessary (apparently the batteries need replacing every 2 years). This costs about £200 per defibrillator every 2 years. Without Robert’s tireless work it is probable that we would not be blessed with so many defibrillators available to all around our small town.

Patrick Bennett

Patrick Bennett is the Chair, and driving force, behind a Voluntary Organisation – Positive People Care.

Positive People Care supports people with long-term illnesses such as mental health problems, Cancer, Alzheimers etc. It also includes the carers in that support.

They provide twice weekly sessions in March and weekly sessions in Wisbech during which the attendees have art classes, games and social activities. Due to the specific conditions of the attendees the total number of people being supported can fluctuate but is usually in the range 25 to 35.

As well as the local sessions they also arrange 3 holidays a year for members who wish to go [ranging from Butlins at Skegness to Scotland and all points in between] and various day trips.

This incredibly worthwhile organisation helps to engage with people, sometimes at their lowest ebb, by enabling them to get out into the community and move on with their lives whilst coping with their illness.

Without the positivity and enthusiasm of Patrick it is highly likely that this organisation would not have come into being and many people’s lives would have been less enjoyable.

Bartosz Alichper

Bartosz, or Barty as he is known is the proprietor of a local café called Paninis. For the last 3 Christmases he has served up Christmas lunch free of charge to approximately 40 people a year, these are generally people living on their own with no local families. He has also arranged through local taxis transport to get the lunch recipients to and from the café.

During the year he also organises 2 or 3 “special” weeks when some of his  coffee takings are donated to charity most recently to the Parkinson’s Society, and MacMillan Cancer Care. Barty is doing something to make a difference in our local area.

Centennial Club Certificates of Appreciation
  • Sarah Housley-Stott
  • Jayne Manders
  • Geri Crooke
  • Katherine Nightingale
  • Karen Coppin

Two young March people honoured.

Leah Bass and Matthew Fletcher were honoured by Young People March and March Lions having their names placed on the YPM honour’s Board and receiving a certificate and cheque from March Lions.

Trevor Stockbridge, President of March Lions, presented the certificates and outlines the reason why these young people were selected. He said:

“It was a major achievement to be selected. They had proved themselves to be trustworthy, honest, hardworking, and could be relied on to complete any task asked of them”.

Lion President Trevor Stockbridge and the two young people honoured for their work at YPM.