
Following the lockdown on the 23rd March 2020, March Lions have had to suspend there activities for the foreseeable future. So, no direct Club Meetings (although we are using Zoom) and no Social Events or Fund-raising like the Gala. However, last month we were able to support the local Food Bank. Our National Lions Organisation created a fund for Clubs to bid into and I’m please to say that we were successful. So by matching that grant from our own funds we were able to give the Food Bank £500 to support their needs. We will also be considering further donations to other organisations as needs present themselves when lockdown eases. We are also planning for Santa on Tour in December and hope by then that we can meeting with you face to face.

February 2020

As in previous years, March Lions will be organising the Stalls for the March Gala on Saturday 13th June in West End Park and we would like to invite you/your charity to book a Stall.

All of the money raised by the Lions over the weekend goes to local charities. However, the fees were reduced last year to encourage people to take part and raise funds for their charities and we have decided to keep the fees at the same level this year, which is £10 for Charities and to £20 for individuals/businesses.

The number of Stalls is limited by space so it is advisable to book early as Stalls will be allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.

We look forward to hearing from you

For any queries please contact Rev Jenny Webb.

Please find below the booking form for this years gala, together with the terms and conditions of the booking. Before booking please read the Conditions carefully, especially with regard to alcohol and vehicle space behind stalls.

February 2020

Today, Monday 10th February 2020, Lion President John Potter and members of March Lions Club travelled to the Royal Papworth Hospital, Cambridge, to present a cheque to Jessica Hughes from the Royal Papworth Charity for £425, which was raised from the people of March from our “Santa on Tour” street collections in the month of December 2019.